We have a positive list. This is the list of medicines that tells the care providers what medicines are covered for you by AZV. It is a very extensive list and for which you need to have the knowledge to understand is. The list of medicines mentions for example the names of the medicines, the active substance in it, the format (liquid, pills or cream), the quantity and much more.
In the first instance AZV sees whether the medicine is a good medicine (farma therapeutic) and secondly if the price of the medicine is checked (is it efficient? is it a good price?). Your family physician and specialist have all the information about our coverage. They know which medicines are covered by AZV and which not. In case your doctor doesn’t have the information, they can always call us to consult. When getting your medicines from your pharmacy, they should read the prescription carefully and in case of any questions, they can communicate directly with your family physician or specialist.
Main goal
The main goal is to always guarantee your health as a patient. This has to happen in a safe matter. Therefore, all care providers monitor the combination of medicines that you are taking.