Click on the button above to view the complete medicine list. The medicines in blue are covered by AZV, the ones in green are covered in certain cases and the red ones aren’t coverd by AZV.
If you have any questions about this list then please call our general number 5279900.
A variety of medicines will now be ‘over the counter’
In recent years a variety of medicines are categorized as ‘OTC’ (Over The Counter). These are medicines especially for your personal care and hygiene. It means that you can obtain these medicines without a doctor’s prescription. Easy, fast, as you desire and at a reasonable price. For example Paracetamol or Dica. This will no longer be covered by Executive Body AZV.
Prescribed medicines which will no longer be covered
There are certain prescribed medicines which will no longer be covered by the Executive Body AZV. Your pharmacy will charge you for these medicines including a sum for service. On our website you will see the complete list of medicines that fall under this change.
Medicines that now fall under certain criteria
AZV covers medicines that meet the required criteria. For example, if the medicine is prescribed by the specialist that is permitted to prescribe this medicine (according to agreements made with the Executive Body AZV). Your doctor will indicate on the prescription if your medicine is covered.